Green Building Symbolizes Environmental Sustainability

Sustainable Site Design

In order to be sustainable, the site should be located in an area that is not critical to the local eco-system. The design should also fit into the surrounding neighborhood and the mass transit and key services should be easily accessible. The design should be done considering the natural features and resources of the area in order to provide natural shade for the building, safe play spaces, and natural storm water runoff control.

The sustainable site design also includes how you orient the building on the site so you can be able to fully utilize the natural resources like rainwater and solar energy. If parking lots are required, you will have to layout and construct it in such a way that the soil conditions, trees, and other vegetation are preserved and cared for. The design can further help shrink the physical footprint of the building by utilizing the natural shading, choosing a lighter roof color, using the existing surface, and making the building more compact.

Conservation and Quality of Water

Water quality and conservation are also among the main focus of a green building design. The building should be oriented in such a way that it allows natural drainage and the use of low-impact storm water retention.

Sustainable building design can be able to help conserve water and improve its quality by making use of the drought-resistant plants, turf, and indigenous trees that do not need pesticides, irrigation, or fertilizers. Instead of using asphalt, try using other porous pavement. You may also consider green roofs, barrels, or rain gardens so you can make use of stormwater, greywater, or rainwater. Another way to conserve water is to install an efficient irrigation system and plumbing fixtures and to use water-efficient appliances. Doing so can also help reduce your utility bills.

Energy Efficiency

There are many ways a green building promotes energy efficiency. One is to minimize the use of artificial lighting by utilizing natural light to illuminate the building. You can also make use of the wind and the sun to heat, illuminate, and cool the building. You can also use energy modeling software during the design process so you will know the best insulation technique, HVAC systems, appliances, and lighting you should use for the building.

The next option is to utilize the natural sources of energy such as the wind and the sun to generate electricity to power the building. These renewable energy sources will not only help minimize the negative effects of artificial energy sources on the environment, but they can as well help minimize energy bills.

Materials & Conservation of Resources

Materials selection includes careful selection of construction materials. They should be non-toxic, safe, durable, and renewable. When constructing a green building, you should consider using materials that do not release toxins and Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs. There are lots of construction and remodeling materials that can harm both the occupants and the planet. Some of these materials are paints, adhesives, arsenic-treated lumber, carpeting materials. For your lumber needs, choose the ones that come from certified sustainable, well-managed forests or those that are ACQ treated wood as they do not contain arsenic.

It is important to also choose materials that are engineer-designed high stress as they are far stronger than the standard materials. If the material is of high quality and strong, you can be able to reduce the number of materials to be used in the construction. As much as possible, use recycled materials or those that can still be recycled should their functional life has already elapsed.

This will not only reduce material use, but it can help you cut costs and at the same time help in the conservation of natural resources. It is also best to use locally produced materials. Not only will you be able to support the local economy, you can as well help minimize transportation which can also impact carbon footprint

Indoor Environment Quality

The indoor environment quality or IEQ is the quality of the environment inside the building in relation to the wellbeing and health of the occupants. IEQ greatly impacts the comfort and health of those who occupy the space. It is one of the ultimate goals of the green building construction to reduce negative impacts on the occupant. This can be done by making the indoor environment comfortable, healthy, and productive.

IEQ is measured through various factors like damp conditions, lighting, and quality of air inside the building. In order to achieve a high-quality indoor environment, the design should emphasize the moisture control feature and the heating, cooling and ventilating system of the building. It also requires careful design, construction, and materials selection. The interior finishes should also be safe and environmentally friendly.

Green Building Ratings


Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design


WELL Buildings


Excellence in Design for Great Efficiencies


Indian Green Building Council


Green Rating Integrated for Habitat Assessment


Energy Conservation Building Codes


Green Assocham


The Pearl Rating System

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